The Baltimore Sun published “Retired APG general: The players change, the ‘GAM’ remains the same” (May 23, 2013)

51dw4weNnpL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_Sixteen years ago, Robert Shadley, then a major general in the Army, uncovered disturbing news from an important Army training facility at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Drill sergeants and other instructors were regularly using their power to get sexual favors from young female trainees, or sometimes even assaulting or raping them.

After spending two years investigating sex assaults at APG, Shadley says not much has changed in the Army a decade and a half later.

“The sexual assaults are not about the sex. It’s all about the abuse of power. You have the propensity of some men, and women, to do that kind of thing, and then you put them in an organization that has a hierarchical structure that talks about the importance of following the chain of command. It’s just like pouring gasoline onto a fire.” -Robert D. Shadley

Read more from The Baltimore Sun here.