S. 967: Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013 – U.S. Senate Voting Record (March 6, 2014)


Military Justice Improvement Act #PassMJIA

S. 967 – Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013 – Voting Record of U.S. Senate



Date: March 6, 2014
Issues: Crime, Military Personnel, Women
Bill: Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013
Roll Number: 59
Yea: 55
Nay: 45
Cloture Not Invoked (Senate)

Gillibrand brings victims’ voices to Senate floor in fight for military justice -U.S.Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (March 6, 2014)

Before Senate Vote, Hirono Urges Colleagues To Pass Military Justice Improvement Act -Mazie Hirono (March 6, 2014)

Sen. Paul joined Senate colleagues to urge passage of the Military Justice Improvement Act. This piece of bipartisan legislation will combat sexual assault and other violent crimes in the military by restructuring the way in which they are reported and prosecuted. -Senator Rand Paul (March 6, 2014)

Floor Statement on the Military Justice Improvement Act -Senator Chuck Grassley (March 6, 2014)

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) went to the Senate floor to reiterate her support for the Military Justice Improvement Act of which she is an original co-sponsor and call for its immediate passage. -Senator Jeanne Shaheen (March 6, 2014)

U.S. Senator Susan Collins spoke on the Senate floor today in strong support of legislation coming before the Senate that would address the crisis of sexual assault in the military. -Senator Susan Collins (March 6, 2014)

(Washington, D.C.) — Yesterday on the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) spoke in support of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) bipartisan Military Justice Improvement Act (S. 1752). -[Former] Senator Dean Heller (March 6, 2014)

The Senate came within five votes of passing a major change to the military’s command structure. An amendment by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., would have stripped commanders of authority over sexual assault cases and put everything in the hands of seasoned military trial lawyers. -CBS Evening News (March 6, 2014)

Senator Ted Cruz speaks out in support of a military sexual assault bill that was blocked in the Senate. -CNN (March 6, 2014)

PBS NewsHour: Hirono Fights For Military Justice Improvement Act -Mazie Hirono (March 7, 2014)

Senator Brian Schatz’s remarks on failure of Military Justice Improvement Act passage -Hawaii247.com (March 7, 2014)

Editors Note: The Senator’s name with a link is a Senator still serving in the U.S. Senate (as of June 24, 2019). You can click on the link and it will take you to their official Senate page. The Senators without a link have been voted out, left, retired, or died. If you click on the Vote link Yea or Nay, it will take you to the Senator’s twitter page. You can thank them for supporting the MJIA or remind those who voted Nay why the MJIA is so important.

State District Name Party Vote
AK Jr Sen.  Mark  Begich Democratic Yea
NH Sr Sen.  Jeanne  Shaheen Democratic Yea
MD Sr Sen.  Barbara  A.  Mikulski Democratic Yea
MN Jr Sen.  Al  Franken Democratic Yea
VT Jr Sen.  Bernard  ‘Bernie’  Sanders Independent Yea
MN Sr Sen.  Amy  Klobuchar Democratic Yea
TX Jr Sen.  Rafael  Edward  ‘Ted’  Cruz  Republican Yea
NM Jr Sen.  Martin  T.  Heinrich Democratic Yea
MA Sr Sen.  Elizabeth  A.  Warren Democratic Yea
HI Sr Sen.  Brian  Emmaneul  Schatz Democratic Yea
NY Jr Sen.  Kirsten  E.  Gillibrand Democratic Yea
CA Sr Sen.  Dianne  Feinstein Democratic Yea
PA Sr Sen.  Robert  P.  ‘Bob’  Casey  Jr. Democratic Yea
IN Sr Sen.  Joe  Donnelly  Sr. Democratic Yea
CT Jr Sen.  Christopher  S.  ‘Chris’  Murphy Democratic Yea
HI Jr Sen.  Mazie  K.  Hirono Democratic Yea
NV Sr Sen.  Dean  Heller Republican Yea
KY Sr Sen.  Mitch  McConnell Republican Yea
CA Jr Sen.  Barbara  Boxer Democratic Yea
VT Sr Sen.  Patrick  J.  Leahy Democratic Yea
DE Jr Sen.  Christopher  A.  ‘Chris’  Coons Democratic Yea
CO Sr Sen.  Michael  Farrand  Bennet Democratic Yea
LA Sr Sen.  David  B.  Vitter Republican Yea
WA Sr Sen.  Patty  Murray Democratic Yea
IA Sr Sen.  Charles  E.  ‘Chuck’  Grassley Republican Yea
ND Jr Sen.  Heidi  Heitkamp Democratic Yea
WV Sr Sen.  John  D.  ‘Jay’  Rockefeller  IV Democratic Yea
NJ Sr Sen.  Robert  ‘Bob’  Menendez Democratic Yea
OR Jr Sen.  Jeffery  A.  ‘Jeff’  Merkley Democratic Yea
LA Sr Sen.  Mary  L.  Landrieu Democratic Yea
CO Sr Sen.  Mark  E.  Udall Democratic Yea
AR Sr Sen.  Mark  Lunsford  Pryor Democratic Yea
ME Sr Sen.  Susan  M.  Collins Republican Yea
IL Sr Sen.  Richard  J.  ‘Dick’  Durbin Democratic Yea
WY Sr Sen.  Michael  B.  ‘Mike’  Enzi Republican Yea
WA Jr Sen.  Maria  Cantwell Democratic Yea
MI Sr Sen.  Debbie  Ann  Stabenow Democratic Yea
NY Sr Sen.  Charles  E.  ‘Chuck’  Schumer Democratic Yea
OR Sr Sen.  Ron  Wyden Democratic Yea
IA Jr Sen.  Thomas  ‘Tom’  Harkin Democratic Yea
OH Sr Sen.  Sherrod  C.  Brown Democratic Yea
NJ Jr Sen.  Cory  A.  Booker Democratic Yea
NE Sr Sen.  Mike  O.  Johanns Republican Yea
NM Sr Sen.  Thomas  S.  ‘Tom’  Udall Democratic Yea
KS Jr Sen.  Jerry  W.  Moran Republican Yea
NV Sr Sen.  Harry  M.  Reid Democratic Yea
MD Sr Sen.  Benjamin  L.  ‘Ben’  Cardin Democratic Yea
KY Jr Sen.  Rand  Paul Republican Yea
SD Sr Sen.  Timothy  Peter  ‘Tim’  Johnson Democratic Yea
MA Jr Sen.  Edward  J.  ‘Ed’  Markey Democratic Yea
MT Jr Sen.  John  E.  Walsh Democratic Yea
NC Jr Sen.  Janet  R.  ‘Kay’  Hagan Democratic Yea
AK Sr Sen.  Lisa  A.  Murkowski Republican Yea
CT Sr Sen.  Richard  ‘Dick’  Blumenthal Democratic Yea
WI Jr Sen.  Tammy  Baldwin Democratic Yea
MT Sr Sen.  Jon  Tester Democratic Nay
IL Jr Sen.  Mark  Steven  Kirk Republican Nay
ID Jr Sen.  James  E.  ‘Jim’  Risch Republican Nay
FL Sr Sen.  Marco  Rubio Republican Nay
ND Sr Sen.  John  H.  Hoeven Republican Nay
RI Jr Sen.  Sheldon  Whitehouse Democratic Nay
WI Sr Sen.  Ron  Johnson Republican Nay
VA Sr Sen.  Mark  R.  Warner Democratic Nay
SC Jr Sen.  Timothy  E.  ‘Tim’  Scott Republican Nay
VA Jr Sen.  Timothy  M.  ‘Tim’  Kaine Democratic Nay
TN Jr Sen.  Robert  ‘Bob’  Corker Republican Nay
DE Sr Sen.  Thomas  Richard  ‘Tom’  Carper Democratic Nay
NE Sr Sen.  Deb  Fischer Republican Nay
AZ Sr Sen.  Jeff  Flake Republican Nay
NH Jr Sen.  Kelly  A.  Ayotte Republican Nay
MS Sr Sen.  Roger  F.  Wicker Republican Nay
ID Sr Sen.  Michael  D.  ‘Mike’  Crapo Republican Nay
UT Sr Sen.  Orrin  G.  Hatch Republican Nay
GA Sr Sen.  Clarence  Saxby  Chambliss Republican Nay
FL Sr Sen.  William  Clarence  ‘Bill’  Nelson  Sr. Democratic Nay
AL Sr Sen.  Richard  C.  Shelby Republican Nay
MO Sr Sen.  Claire  McCaskill Democratic Nay
ME Jr Sen.  Angus  S.  King  Jr. Independent Nay
RI Sr Sen.  John  Francis  ‘Jack’  Reed Democratic Nay
MO Sr Sen.  Roy  Blunt Republican Nay
TN Sr Sen.  Lamar  Alexander Republican Nay
SD Sr Sen.  John  R.  Thune Republican Nay
IN Sr Sen.  Daniel  R.  ‘Dan’  Coats Republican Nay
UT Sr Sen.  Michael  ‘Mike’  Lee Republican Nay
PA Jr Sen.  Patrick  J.  ‘Pat’  Toomey Republican Nay
OH Jr Sen.  Robert  J.  ‘Rob’  Portman Republican Nay
MS Sr Sen.  Thad  Cochran Republican Nay
TX Sr Sen.  John  Cornyn Republican Nay
NC Sr Sen.  Richard  M.  Burr Republican Nay
SC Sr Sen.  Lindsey  O.  Graham Republican Nay
AZ Sr Sen.  John  Sidney  McCain  III Republican Nay
OK Sr Sen.  James  M.  ‘Jim’  Inhofe Republican Nay
MI Sr Sen.  Carl  Levin Democratic Nay
NA None  Jefferson  Beauregard  ‘Jeff’  Sessions  III Republican Nay
KS Sr Sen.  Charles  Patrick  ‘Pat’  Roberts Republican Nay
WY Jr Sen.  John  Barrasso Republican Nay
WV Sr Sen.  Joseph  ‘Joe’  Manchin  III Democratic Nay
GA Sr Sen.  John  H.  ‘Johnny’  Isakson Republican Nay
OK Jr Sen.  Thomas  Allen  ‘Tom’  Coburn Republican Nay
AR Sr Sen.  John  N.  Boozman Republican Nay

Related Links:
S. 967 – Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013
S. 967 – Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013 – Voting Record of U.S. Senate
S. 967 – Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013 – National Key Vote
Comprehensive Resource Center for the Military Justice Improvement Act
Gillibrand brings victims’ voices to Senate floor in fight for military justice
Before Senate Vote, Hirono Urges Colleagues To Pass Military Justice Improvement Act
Sen. Paul Speaks in Support of Military Justice Improvement Act
Floor Statement on the Military Justice Improvement Act
On Senate Floor Senator Shaheen Calls for Passage of Military Justice Improvement Act
Sen. Collins speaks in support of efforts to address military sexual assault
Heller Speaks About Military Sexual Assault Legislation
Senate blocks change to military sexual assault cases
Sen. Cruz: They didn’t sign up to be sexually assaulted
PBS NewsHour: Hirono Fights For Military Justice Improvement Act
Senator Brian Schatz’s remarks on failure of Military Justice Improvement Act passage
The war in Congress over rape in the military, explained
Senate Armed Services Committee Members & House Armed Services Committee Members (June 21, 2019)